“By destroying the Polish right, Tusk is showing that he will destroy anyone who stands in his way”, said PiS MP Adam Andruszkiewicz on TV Republika, commenting on the Military Police’s entry into the home of Ewa Stankiewicz and her husband, where they were ordered to search for parts of the Tu-154 plane. He also addressed the later arrest of PiS MP Dariusz Matecki by the Internal Security Agency (ABW) while he was on his way to the prosecutor’s office.
The True Face of “Militant Democracy”
During Michał Rachoń’s program “Jedziemy”, the PiS MP stated that “militant democracy is revealing its true face in all its glory, and its authoritarianism is advancing every month.”
“I wish Tusk’s services were capable of extracting the wreckage of our Tu-154 from the Russians—the real perpetrators of this tragedy. They failed, and we remember what they did: they embraced Putin, handed over the investigation to Ms. Anodina and a pseudo-Soviet commission. Now, they are persecuting people who were searching for the truth about Smolensk,” Andruszkiewicz assessed.
“Then we witness yet another circus. The political bandits who rule Poland are putting on a show for Poles by arresting a sitting MP in an ABW operation, dragging him out as if he were a terrorist. MP Matecki had been saying since yesterday that he was at the disposal of the prosecutor’s office, that he was coming in voluntarily, and that he did not want a spectacle,” Andruszkiewicz emphasized.