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Chills Across Expertise: Emotional Response to Penderecki’s “Seven Gates of Jerusalem”

Discover how Penderecki’s “Seven Gates of Jerusalem” bridges expertise, evoking chills and emotions in both lay listeners and experts.

Understanding Music’s Emotional Impact
Listening to Krzysztof Penderecki’s “Seven Gates of Jerusalem” stirs emotions in both music experts and laypeople alike. Research from the Jagiellonian University Brain Research Center shows that the emotional impact of this complex symphony transcends musical expertise. Despite experts analyzing the piece more analytically, emotional responses were consistent across both groups.

Exploring Neural Reactions
Using MRI scans, researchers observed distinct brain activity. Experts showed stronger activation in prefrontal areas, tied to analytical thinking and memory, while laypeople exhibited heightened auditory cortex activity. Yet, both groups experienced chills—physical reactions tied to intense emotions—triggered by the symphony’s dramatic moments.

A Shared Emotional Experience
Participants, regardless of musical knowledge, identified emotional qualities like solemnity or lyricism in the selected excerpts. This highlights the music’s ability to convey meaning universally. Though the study’s sample size was small, findings suggest that contemporary music, often considered inaccessible, evokes a profound emotional connection in diverse audiences.

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