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    Commending the Heroes: Commemorating the 42nd Anniversary of Martial Law in Poland

    In the heart of Warsaw, the Museum of Cursed Soldiers and Political Prisoners of the People’s Republic of Poland invites visitors to events marking the 42nd anniversary of the imposition of martial law. Organized jointly by the Institute of National Remembrance and the Museum, the program includes concerts, documentary screenings, historical reconstructions, exhibitions, and debates on opposition actions during the communist era.

    Remembering Defiance

    At the historic Rakowiecka Street prison, where dissenters against Moscow’s rule were once held, the events pay tribute to those who sacrificed for ideals of independence, solidarity, free speech, and human dignity. Director Adrianna Garnik emphasizes the significance of remembering those who gave their lives between 1981-89 for these ideals.

    The program began with a concert by Marek Piekarczyk, followed by educational concerts and film screenings. A Tuesday seminar explores the underground postal service with a stamp exhibition, while Wednesday features commemorations, debates, and a film screening, culminating in a concert at the Teatr Polski.

    Open to All

    On December 13, the museum will be open for historical reenactments, educational workshops, guided tours, and exhibitions. The day closes with a reconstruction of December ’81 and a concert, making this a unique opportunity to honor Poland’s tumultuous past.

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