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Diverse Literary Landscape Nominated for the 27th Nike Literary Award

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The 27th edition of the prestigious Nike Literary Award showcases a diverse range of books, including short story collections, fiction, and non-fiction works, by Polish authors. With a rich literary history, the award recognizes outstanding contributions to Polish literature. The winner, to be announced in October, will receive a cash prize of 100,000 PLN along with the Gustaw Zemła-designed statuette.

The 27th edition of the Nike Literary Award, widely regarded as Poland’s most prestigious literary honor, features a compelling list of twenty books spanning various genres and styles. This annual award, established in 1997, celebrates exceptional works irrespective of their genre, whether it be short stories, fiction, or non-fiction. The selected nominees include established and emerging writers, each with their unique literary achievements.

Among the nominees is Andrzej Bieńkowski, whose book “Trzymałem węża w garści” (I Held a Snake in My Hand) captivates readers with personal memories and tales of rural musicians, customs, and music collected over the past two decades. Grzegorz Piątek’s “Gdynia obiecana. Miasto, modernizm, modernizacja 1920-1939” (Promised Gdynia: City, Modernism, Modernization 1920-1939) has also been recognized for its narrative on the city’s remarkable success resulting from its dynamic development from scratch.

Wiktorija Bieżuńska’s debut work, “Przechodząc przez próg, zagwiżdżę” (Crossing the Threshold, I Will Whistle), stands out as one of the most prominent debuts of the previous year and has earned her a well-deserved nomination. These books, alongside the other nominees, represent the richness and diversity of contemporary Polish literature.

The announcement of the seven finalists for the Nike Literary Award will be made in early September through the pages of “Gazeta Wyborcza,” a prominent Polish newspaper. The laureates of the award in previous years include renowned authors such as Tadeusz Różewicz, Olga Tokarczuk (twice), Joanna Bator, and Andrzej Stasiuk.

The anticipation grows as readers and literary enthusiasts eagerly await the unveiling of the 27th Nike Literary Award winner in October. The recipient will not only receive a cash prize of 100,000 PLN but also the highly coveted Gustaw Zemła-designed statuette, solidifying their place among the esteemed laureates of this distinguished literary accolade.

In a world that values and celebrates literary excellence, the Nike Literary Award continues to shine a spotlight on the vibrant Polish literary scene, honoring the remarkable talents that contribute to its ever-evolving landscape.

Here is the full list of nominees:

  1. Andrzej Bieńkowski – “Trzymałem węża w garści” (I Held a Snake in My Hand)
  2. Konstanty Gebert – “Ostateczne rozwiązania. Ludobójcy i ich dzieło” (Final Solutions: Genocidaires and Their Work)
  3. Jarosław Kurski – “Dziady i dybuki. Opowieść dygresyjna” (Forefathers’ Eve and Dybbuks: A Digressive Tale)
  4. Wiktoria Bieżuńska – “Przechodząc przez próg, zagwiżdżę” (Crossing the Threshold, I Will Whistle)
  5. Mateusz Górniak – “Trash story”
  6. Olga Górska – “Nie wszyscy pójdziemy do raju” (Not Everyone Will Go to Paradise)
  7. Sabina Jakubowska – “Akuszerki” (Midwives)
  8. Aleksandra Młynarczyk-Gemza – “Zapiski wariatki” (Notes of a Lunatic)
  9. Andrzej Muszyński – “Dom ojców” (House of Fathers)
  10. Zyta Rudzka – “Ten się śmieje, kto ma zęby” (He Who Laughs Has Teeth)
  11. Wit Szostak – “Szczelinami” (Through the Cracks)
  12. Małgorzata Żarów – “Zaklinanie węży w gorące wieczory” (Charming Snakes on Hot Evenings)
  13. Anna Bikont – “Cena. W poszukiwaniu żydowskich dzieci po wojnie” (The Price: In Search of Jewish Children after the War)
  14. Ilona Wiśniewska – “Migot. Z krańca Grenlandii” (Glimmer: From the Edge of Greenland)
  15. Tomasz S. Markiewka – “Nic się nie działo. Historia życia mojej babki” (Nothing Happened: The Story of My Grandmother’s Life)
  16. Grzegorz Piątek – “Gdynia obiecana. Miasto, modernizm, modernizacja 1920-1939” (Promised Gdynia: City, Modernism, Modernization 1920-1939)
  17. Natalia Malek – “Obręcze” (Rings)
  18. Piotra Sommer – “Lata praktyki” (Years of Practice)
  19. Patryk Pufelski – “Pawilon małych ssaków” (Pavilion of Small Mammals)
  20. Katarzyna Szaulińska – “Czarna ręka, zsiadłe mleko” (Black Hand, Curdled Milk)

These diverse nominations for the 27th Nike Literary Award represent a wide range of literary genres and themes, reflecting the richness and depth of contemporary Polish literature.


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