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Engage in a Quiz on EU Legislation and Win Exciting Prizes!

Unlock the chance to win a gift card, a compact instant camera, or a fitness tracker by participating in a quiz on the creation of EU legislation. Answer 10 questions correctly for a shot at these enticing rewards.

Understanding the EU Legislative Process

In the realm of EU lawmaking, the pivotal players are the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the Council of the EU. While their opinions hold immense importance, they aren’t always equivalent. Boost your quiz-winning odds by delving into the text “How is European Union Law Created? Legislative Process in a Nutshell,” packed with insights into the adoption of EU legal acts.

Quiz Mechanics and Prizes

The quiz comprises 10 multiple-choice questions, with a chance to win fabulous prizes. Performance in the quiz takes precedence, and in case of a tie, speed will be the deciding factor. The competition runs from January 12, 2024, to January 18, 2024, until midnight. The prizes include:

  • 1st Place – a compact instant camera worth $400,
  • 2nd Place – a $300 fitness tracker,
  • 3rd Place – a $200 gift card.

The competition is organized by the Polish Press Agency (PAP) and is part of the project “20 Years in the European Union: European Parliament and the Lives of Poles,” funded by the European Parliament..

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