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Enhancing Forest Fire Protection through Collaboration: A Pact between Radom Regional Directorate of State Forests and Świętokrzyski National Park

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Radom Regional Directorate of State Forests and Świętokrzyski National Park join forces to safeguard precious woodland areas from wildfires.

In a significant stride towards forest fire prevention and protection, the Radom Regional Directorate of State Forests (RDLP) and Świętokrzyski National Park have forged a partnership. The agreement, inked during a joint meeting of RDLP foresters in Radom and the national park’s management, focuses on enhancing fire monitoring capabilities and knowledge exchange.

Under the pact, the forested territories of Świętokrzyski National Park will be integrated into RDLP’s fire monitoring system. Mutual support and expertise sharing in fire prevention and control within RDLP’s forested regions and the national park are core elements of the collaboration. Additionally, both parties will engage in extensive information and educational initiatives aimed at bolstering forest fire protection.

The meeting also explored modern energy sources and the expansion of forest fire protection systems. Notably, the “Forest of Energy” project’s potential for renewable energy development in Radom RDLP was presented. Investments in fire protection infrastructure development were also discussed.

In recognition of their dedication to nature conservation and educational efforts, the national park’s director, Dr. Jan Reklewski, honored Dr. Andrzej Matysiak, RDLP Radom’s director, with the “Friend of Świętokrzyski National Park” award.

Forest stewards are optimistic that this collaboration will yield significant benefits in the protection of ecologically valuable areas, particularly against the threat of wildfires.

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