MEPs from Poland’s Law and Justice Party (PiS) organized a conference in the European Parliament featuring experts, titled “Russian Neo-Imperialism: The Phenomenon of Russia’s Aggressive Ideology.”
During the conference, Ukraine’s ambassador to the EU, Vsevolod Chentsov, emphasized that the current moment is critical, especially following meetings in Washington, Paris, and London. “Ukraine is under enormous pressure from various sides, including from the United States,” the diplomat stated.
In his assessment, the U.S. decision to halt military aid to Ukraine is an alarming signal. However, he noted that the specifics of this decision—whether American assistance has been fully or only partially blocked—remain unclear.
“Many actors are pressuring Ukraine to stop, but they fail to consider the circumstances and causes of this war,” he said. “We cannot afford to do that, and Europe cannot afford to do that, because such an approach will not ensure a lasting and just peace for Ukraine.”
Call for Continued EU Support for Ukraine
MEP Adam Bielan urged the European Parliament to continue supporting Ukraine. “As the European Parliament, we have a duty not only to condemn Russian neo-imperialism, which we have done countless times but also to actively counteract it and promote a geopolitical order in which aggression is not a viable outcome,” Bielan stressed.
“We must continue to support Ukraine’s struggle for its sovereignty and freedom,” he asserted. “We must strengthen the resilience of European nations against hybrid threats and respond openly and appropriately to these attacks.” According to Bielan, this can only be achieved through collective effort and cooperation among political groups and institutions.
Dziś w PE trwa debata organizowana przez @AdamBielan i @michaldworczyk ⚠️ Rosyjski agresywny neoimperializm to nie tylko polityka – to ideologia, która zagraża całej Europie! Silna współpraca 🇪🇺🤝🇺🇸 jest kluczowa! Musimy pokonać podziały, zanim będzie za późno!
— Marlena Maląg (@MarlenaMalag) March 4, 2025
Russia’s Imperial Policy and Hybrid Warfare
Meanwhile, Michał Dworczyk highlighted that Russia’s imperial policy is aimed at erasing national identities and cultures—a reality that Poland has experienced in the past and which is now evident in Ukraine, particularly in territories occupied by the Russian Federation.
“Modern methods of hybrid warfare used by Russia—such as disinformation and historical distortion through media and mass communication—allow the Kremlin to implement its imperial policy in an entirely new dimension,” he explained. “Unfortunately, these tools are highly effective given the challenges facing Europe.”
According to Dworczyk, addressing this issue and sharing experiences among Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, and “all those who have personally experienced Russian imperialism” is crucial for exposing its mechanisms and the threats it poses.
Dzisiaj wspólnie z @AdamBielan zorganizowaliśmy konferencję „Rosyjski neoimperializm. Fenomen rosyjskiej agresywnej ideologii”, która odbyła się w Parlamencie Europejskim w Brukseli.
— Michał Dworczyk (@michaldworczyk) March 4, 2025
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