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International Hedgehog Day: A Call to Protect Our Prickly Friends

Each year on November 10, people around the world observe International Hedgehog Day, celebrating these charming animals and their crucial role in local ecosystems. More than just adorable creatures, hedgehogs help maintain a balanced environment by controlling garden pests such as slugs and insects. Yet, their presence in urban parks and streets can often signal habitat loss, which has left them vulnerable to the risks of city life, including traffic and garden equipment. This day serves as a reminder of our responsibility to support and protect these unique animals.

Hedgehogs: Nature’s Pest Controllers and How to Offer Them Winter Refuge

Hedgehogs are natural garden allies, feasting on pests that threaten plants while coexisting peacefully with other wildlife. Though related to moles and shrews, which sometimes cause disruption, hedgehogs are especially beneficial, aiding in organic pest control. Contrary to myth, they don’t transport fruit on their backs; their spines are solely for defence. They rarely eat fruit, and when they do, it’s fallen produce—so there’s no risk of hedgehogs carting off your freshly picked apples!

As winter approaches and temperatures drop, hedgehogs enter hibernation and seek safe shelter. Creating small piles of leaves or a wooden box in the garden can provide a warm refuge for them. Simple gestures like these make a big difference, giving hedgehogs a place to rest during the cold months. The key is to make sure these shelters are discreet and blend with their surroundings, offering a peaceful spot for a hedgehog to rest.

Simple Steps to Protect Hedgehogs from Urban Dangers

Urban life poses multiple threats to hedgehogs, from cars to garden maintenance tools. Leaf piles, for instance, are often ideal hibernation spots, but disturbing them can be deadly. To protect these creatures, consider leaving leaf piles and compost heaps undisturbed through the winter. Burning leaves is particularly hazardous as hedgehogs often nest in them, and taking these small precautions can go a long way in helping them survive.

Protecting hedgehogs requires awareness and small actions from all of us. While Polish law protects hedgehogs from capture and harm, preserving their habitats is essential to their long-term survival. By creating safe spaces, reducing urban hazards, and responding to hedgehogs in need, we can each contribute to a future where these delightful creatures continue to roam and enrich our gardens and parks.

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