Every second Pole believes that the current situation in the country is heading in the wrong direction — this is the result of the latest CBOS survey, the findings of which have just been made public. Will things get better or worse? Unfortunately, more Poles are choosing the latter.
CBOS reports that fewer people (29%) are satisfied with the direction of changes taking place in Poland compared to the previous month — a drop of 5 percentage points. Meanwhile, the number of respondents dissatisfied with the country’s trajectory has risen (50% compared to 48% in February), as has the share of those undecided (up 2 percentage points to 20%).
According to CBOS, how Poles perceive the country’s direction is strongly influenced by their political preferences.
The most optimistic group are supporters of the Civic Coalition, 61% of whom believe the country is moving in the right direction. Among voters of the Third Way alliance, optimism also outweighs skepticism, but neither view is shared by more than half of this party’s base. On the other hand, supporters of Law and Justice and the Confederation (72% and 71% respectively) overwhelmingly believe that the situation in Poland is going in the wrong direction.
Poles Pessimistic About Politics but Upbeat on Personal Wellbeing, Survey Finds
Public perception of the political situation in Poland has also deteriorated. Just 15% now rate it as good — 3 percentage points lower than a month ago. The share of those who consider the political situation to be neither good nor bad rose slightly to 38%, while those with a negative view increased to 41%. The percentage of respondents without a clear opinion remained roughly the same as in February (6%).
Fewer Poles now believe the political situation will improve (22% vs. 24% in February), and more expect it to worsen (24%). The largest group — 40% — thinks it will remain unchanged, a figure that has stayed stable since February.
On a more positive note, the study also shows an improvement in perceptions of personal and family living standards. The proportion of those declaring that life is good for them (66%) is the highest recorded since March 2020, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, the share of people rating their household’s material conditions poorly is now at an all-time low in CBOS research — just 3%.
The survey “Current Problems and Events” (No. 419) was conducted using a mixed-mode methodology on a representative, named sample of adult residents of Poland randomly selected from the PESEL register. It was carried out between March 6 and 16, 2025, on a sample of 1,047 respondents (62.3% via CAPI, 23.6% via CATI, and 14.1% via CAWI).