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Jarosław Kaczyński Reveals Kremlin’s Campaign against Deputy Prime Minister Błaszczak in “Gazeta Polska”

“These are Kremlin attacks, even if some of the attackers are not aware of whose game they are participating in and for whose benefit they are acting. However, I estimate that a huge part of them is aware, and I will repeat, they are taking part in an action that favours Moscow,” Jarosław Kaczyński said in an interview with Gazeta Polska. 

The entire interview by Katarzyna Gójska and Tomasz Sakiewicz with the Law and Justice party leader in the forthcoming issue of the weekly “Gazeta Polska,” which will go on sale on 31 May.

You mentioned the attacks on the head of the Ministry of Defence. They were visible even during the last session of the Sejm.

I call them Kremlin attacks. Let me repeat, these are attacks by the Kremlin, even if some of the attackers are not aware of whose game they are participating in and for whose benefit they are acting. However, I estimate that a huge part of them are aware, and I will repeat, they are taking part in an action that favours Moscow.

How do you assess the work of Deputy Prime Minister Mariusz Błaszczak?

Poland had been being disarmed for years. Purchases had been made, apart from F-16s, at a level far insufficient to meet even basic needs for our security. This terribly dangerous process has been reversed. There is money to arm the army and there is a minister who is implementing this process very effectively. And it is extremely difficult in this day and age, requiring a great deal of international activity. Mr Mariusz Błaszczak is managing it. He is developing our manufacturing capabilities and working to expand the army with equal success. We can all assume that this is very much disliked in at least one capital city, and perhaps in another one on the other side. It is therefore important to be aware that this discontent will trigger a wave of attacks on the Deputy Prime Minister, and that is what we are observing.

The FULL interview with Jarosław Kaczyński, the leader of Law and Justice (PiS), will be available in the upcoming issue of ‘Gazeta Polska’ weekly, available on Wednesday, May 31.

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