A large delegation of political and business representatives from Poland is present at the World Economic Forum in Davos. “President Andrzej Duda is highly sought after, placing the venue knowns as “Polish House” at the centre of talks,” describes the German portal, Deutsche Welle.
The Polish House in Davos was opened in January 2019 by President Andrzej Duda. It is intended to be a space, promoting Polish business and Polish investments. This year, the Polish House was officially opened by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State Assets Jacek Sasin.
More than 30 Polish and foreign politicians, experts, representatives of business, banks and the media took part in panel discussions that lasted from Tuesday until Thursday at the Polish House, discussing, among other things, sustainable development, the digital economy, security and the global crisis, as well as the situation in Ukraine and the prospects for Belarus.
The ideal location
As Deutsche Welle pinpoints, the Polish House’s location is ideal. As it is described, there are “bar and space for lively debate, as well as other rooms for quiet conversations behind closed doors” in the Polish House.
“The president’s idea was for the venue to serve as a meeting point during the WEF, helping to strengthen ties with Poland – business as well as political,”
Sylwia Dalecka, director of the facility, explained DW. She has been involved with it since its opening in 2019.
Modern, open, confident
“Modern, open and confident is how they present themselves in Davos, and Polish House embodies this image,”
DW stresses.
The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. It was established in 1971 as a not-for-profit foundation and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. It is independent, impartial, and not tied to any special interests. The Forum strives in all its efforts to demonstrate entrepreneurship in the global public interest while upholding the highest standards of governance. Moral and intellectual integrity is at the heart of everything it does. (www.weforum.org)
This year’s WEF was attended by participants from 130 countries. This includes 50 heads of state and government, 200 ministers and 1,500 business leaders.
Read the whole Deutsche Welle article in English and German.