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Monarchs of Poland series: Władysław I Herman: Poland’s Tumultuous Ruler

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

Władysław I Herman, also known as Władysław I, ascended to the throne of Poland in 1079, succeeding his brother, Bolesław II the Bold. However, his rule was marred by controversy and overshadowed by the influence of nobles and clergy.

One of the significant events during Władysław I Herman’s reign was the initiation of the canonization process for Bishop Stanisław of Szczepanów. Stanisław was murdered by his own brother, King Bolesław II the Bold. This process led to the martyrdom and subsequent canonization of Stanisław, who became one of Poland’s revered saints.

Struggles and Invasions

Władysław I Herman faced challenges from neighboring powers, particularly from the Czechs, who sought to expand their control over Polish territories. Border conflicts were frequent, but the king proved ineffective in repelling Czech invasions and securing the realm.

After Władysław I Herman’s death in 1102, his son Bolesław III Wrymouth succeeded him as the ruler of Poland. Bolesław III proved to be a more capable leader, consolidating power and contributing to the stabilization and development of the country.

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