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New Legal Definition of Workplace Harassment Aims to Protect Employees

Poland plans new harassment laws to protect workers, emphasizing persistent misconduct and easing employer liability if preventive measures are in place.

A new legal framework in Poland seeks to redefine workplace harassment to better protect employees’ rights. According to a proposal by the Ministry of Family, Labour, and Social Policy, the updated definition removes the need to prove the perpetrator’s intent, focusing instead on persistent harassment.

Excluding Incidental Behavior

The updated definition will emphasize recurring or continuous behavior while excluding one-time incidents. Harassment may originate from a supervisor, colleague, subordinate, or even a group of individuals. The intent behind the perpetrator’s actions or the specific harm caused will no longer be determining factors for establishing harassment.

Reduced Employer Liability

Employers could see reduced civil liability for harassment cases if the misconduct did not involve a direct supervisor and preventive measures were effectively implemented. This aims to encourage proactive efforts to combat workplace harassment while protecting employers who take appropriate steps to foster a respectful work environment.

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