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On July 3, 1886, potable water flowed to the citizens of Warsaw

Today is the 137th anniversary of the inauguration of Warsaw Water Filters. Unlike similar solutions in other European cities of the time, Warsaw Water Filters, also known as Lindley’s Filters has been completely preserved and is still in use today for its original purpose.

Designed by the eminent English engineer William Lindley, who was one of the few specialists in water and sewage installations at that time, it was a modern achievement necessary to improve the sanitary conditions of Warsaw, which was plagued by epidemics.

The long-term usefulness and excellent technical condition of the filters have also been influenced by the conscious use of the highest quality materials by the creators, giving the utility spaces an additional aesthetic value. The entire complex is an outstanding example of combining stylistically coherent architectural solutions with innovative engineering achievements.

Lindley’s Filters, photo by Piotr Panek, CC BY-SA 3.0 pl

The historical spatial layout of the Filtration Station, with designated spaces for clean water reservoirs, filter halls, a pressure tower, engine rooms, administrative buildings, and green areas planned from the beginning, is a permanent element of Warsaw’s cultural landscape. The facility uniquely combines the invaluable values of a technical monument with the function of a modern water treatment plant.

The protection of the Warsaw Filters has undergone three upgrades: in 1973, 2008, and, most recently, in 2012. On January 18, 2012, the entire Filters complex was officially recognized as one of Poland’s national Historic Monuments. This designation is maintained by the National Heritage Board of Poland.

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