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    PESA: Foxes powered by Rolls-Royce engines

    On March 1, Czech Railways (ČD) presented new trains delivered by PESA Bydgoszcz. The Polish lineups of the previous generation were called RegioShark. The latest machines are called RegioFox and are powered by Rolls-Royce engines.

    PESA is the biggest Polish producer of rolling stock,
    vehicles produced by the company are used in 11 countries in Europe and Asia.

    As stated by, the first RegioFoxes will hit the tracks in Prague and the Central Bohemian, South Bohemian and Pardubice regions as well as in Vysočina. Czech Railways has already ordered 76 RegioFox. The trains are powered by ecological Rolls-Royce engines, which, in addition to conventional diesel, can be powered by HVO biofuel.

    A new name – RegioFox- was chosen by passengers in a survey conducted on social media.

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