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Pickles – a recipe for health and well-being in the new year

We often greet the new year with some health ailments that thankfully pass quickly. Many people find that one surefire way to strengthen their body after a night of partying is pickled vegetable juice. This is a very good lead. Why don’t we start the year with pickles? Why should they accompany us every day?

Pickles are an absolute must-have in our winter menus. Pickled vegetables are not only tasty, but they also strengthen our immune system and support bacterial flora and digestion, as pickled products are natural probiotics. According to a recent Kantar study, 48% of surveyed Poles associate pickles, such as cabbage or cucumbers, with building the body’s immunity, and 36% of respondents say they prepare them on their own.

They are rich in vitamins A, C, E and K. Pickles are low in calories and the lactic acid they contain helps maintain the body’s acid-base balance. Of course, Polish tables are dominated by cucumbers and sauerkraut. However, recently, pickled beets, cauliflower florets, mushrooms, radishes, tomatoes, carrots and Brussels sprouts have become increasingly popular. Pickles can be made at home or bought ready, of course choosing those from the best (meaning Polish ones) vegetables. We should also remember to pay attention to the natural composition of the product we buy.

Pickles are real vitamin bombs. Needless to say that a tablespoon of sauerkraut has 2 times more vitamin C than half a lemon. And this is just the beginning of its beneficial effects on immunity. Fermented vegetables contain probiotic bacteria that weaken the pathogens that cause many diseases. Consumption of pickles has a beneficial effect on intestinal microflora. By strengthening the protective barrier, we help the body fight infections.

Pickles are low in calories and contain a lot of fibre, which gives us a sense of satiation. Pickles support bowel function and help fight constipation. A single serving of pickles that we eat on average is no more than a few dozen kilocalories. Eating pickled vegetables increases the production of digestive enzymes and promotes the secretion of gastric juices that aid digestion. Before a meal, especially a heavy one, it is worth eating pickled vegetables or drinking gherkin or cabbage juice.

The best thing about pickled vegetables is that not only are they healthy, but also, they taste great. They suit every meal, and the culinary possibilities with their use are endless. Pickled vegetables are a great way to incorporate more vegetables into your diet. According to nutritionists, vegetables should make up half of each of our meals. During the winter, when the choice of domestic vegetables is less, pickled vegetables will make up for these shortcomings perfectly. Pickled vegetables also have the advantage of low prices and general availability. It’s very easy to make them yourself, and whoever starts usually pickles vegetables without fail. It’s worthwhile!

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