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Poles Support Mandatory Military Training for Adult Men, Survey Reveals

A majority of Poles support the introduction of mandatory military training for all adult men, according to a recent SW Research poll. Approximately 56.1% of respondents favor this idea, with slightly more women (56.3%) than men (56%) in agreement. Opposition stands at 26.2%, while 17.7% expressed no opinion.

Support increases with age, with approval highest among respondents over 50 (66.9%) and lowest among those under 24 (35%). Despite widespread backing, only 39.8% of respondents indicated personal willingness to participate in military training, with significantly more men (48%) than women (32.5%) willing to do so.

Since March 2022, Poland has offered voluntary military service, accessible through a straightforward application process, with trainees receiving compensation up to PLN 6,000 along with housing, uniforms, and medical care.

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