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    Police analyse video of assault by teenagers in Pruszków

    Polish police are investigating the circumstances behind a shocking video that has been published online. A group of teenagers most likely from the suburban city of Pruszków recorded themselves physically and mentally abusing a peer.

    According to information obtained by RMF FM, the parents of the teenager allegedly victimised by his peers have filed a criminal complaint with the police.

    Police officers are now analysing the footage. They are establishing the participants in the incident, trying to explain the reasons for the young people’s behaviour and are also looking for witnesses to the video.

    In the footage, several teenagers can be seen beating with their elbows and kicking a boy hunched over on the pavement. The group also laughs at him, and several times the victim is burned with cigarettes. The footage also shows the smiling face of one of the participants in the incident.

    Female participant in the incident asks that her image not be released

    The entire incident was addressed on social media by the ‘smiling’ participant of the video where the heinous acts were committed. She asked that her image not be published and that she not be linked to the case.

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