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Popularity of Apple Varieties Across Generations

The evolving apple preferences of Poles across generations, from Baby Boomers to Gen Z.

An apple a day has long been a symbol of health. For Baby Boomers (61–78), classic varieties like Lobo, Szampion, and Jonagold are most favored. This generation values stability and health, preferring traditional foods over experimentation and sticking with familiar tastes.

Generation X: Balancing Health and Convenience

Generation X (44–60) tends to enjoy the same classic apple varieties but adds Golden Delicious to the mix. As they juggle busy lives, they prioritize both health and convenience, often incorporating ready-made meals and organic produce.

Millennials and Generation Z: Embracing New Trends

Millennials (29–43) and Gen Z (15–28) are health-conscious and open to trying new apple varieties, with high interest in organic, local produce. Gen Z especially values authenticity and often opts for quick yet nutritious snacks.

Apples remain a symbol of Polish heritage, with each generation enjoying its own unique selection. The tradition endures, adapting with each new era’s tastes and lifestyles.

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