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    Premiere of Documentary Series ‘Reset’ to Air on TV Republika

    In an upcoming television event, TV Republika is set to debut the first episode of a groundbreaking documentary series titled ‘Reset’ on Saturday, August 12th, at 8:00 PM. The series delves into the behind-the-scenes intricacies of the pro-Russian policies of the Civic Platform (PO) party and the Polish-Russian reset from the years 2007 to 2014.

    The script and direction of the series are attributed to Professor Sławomir Cenckiewicz, the director of the Central Military Archives, and journalist Michał Rachoń.

    As pointed out by Cenckiewicz, the ‘Reset,’ while executed with Polish efforts, was not solely a Polish initiative. He emphasized that the machinery of the reset was operating in Berlin. The Warsaw authorities acted as executors of German and partly French policies that aimed to strengthen cooperation with Russia. The Tusk government carried out this program, believing that Poland couldn’t afford an independent foreign policy and needed to be subservient to other powers, as stated recently on TV Republika.

    The creators of the ‘Reset’ documentary series draw attention to the significant role played by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the leadership of Radosław Sikorski in thawing relations with Russia:

    “The ideological foundation for the reset was prepared by graduates of the Soviet-era diplomatic school, the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), who were employed in the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”

    The film’s authors underscore that the pursuit of the reset policy in Poland was hindered by the late President Lech Kaczyński’s unwavering defense of Polish independence and its alliance with the United States.

    “We present two conflicting visions of foreign policy with President Kaczyński,”

    quoted Cenckiewicz, referring to Donald Tusk.

    The filmmakers also highlight the role of pro-reset media outlets, particularly the ‘Gazeta Wyborcza,’ which published numerous articles by Radosław Sikorski, strongly opposing the Jagiellonian vision of Poland (as continued by the Paris-based ‘Kultura,’ which stressed that an independent Poland couldn’t be conceived without independent Ukraine, Belarus, Baltic states, and Georgia).

    “Rachoń and Cenckiewicz have woven together the events that unfolded in Poland when Tusk and Sikorski, along with their entire government, undertook this ‘reset.’ Presumably, they aimed for Russia and Poland to become fraternal states. We had experienced this for several decades before, not by our choice, but forcibly imposed during the communist era. The brutal truth is portrayed in this film, laid out chronologically, based on documents and the actions of those in power. It’s a source of distress for the opposition and deeply unsettling for them,”

    commented Anna Milczanowska, a member of Parliament, during an interview on TV Republika.

    Tune in to the first episode, titled ‘Beginning,’ on Saturday, August 12th, at 8:00 PM. Another broadcast is scheduled for Sunday, August 13th, at 7:00 PM.”

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