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    Prime Minister Morawiecki Defends Economic Achievements Amid Political Shifts in Poland

    In a video shared on the X platform, acting Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki emphasized the undeniable economic achievements of the outgoing Law and Justice (PiS) government, stressing the need to recognize these accomplishments despite political differences.

    Taking to social media on Monday, Morawiecki highlighted articles from foreign media that characterized Poland as a nation experiencing “the highest GDP growth dynamics in the European Union, a high level of investment and innovation, record exports, the lowest unemployment rate in its history, low taxes, and a record reduction in its VAT gap.”

    In response to critics of the country’s financial situation, Morawiecki asserted, “Therefore, if there is someone today who says the financial situation is terrible and that we must ‘tighten our belts,’ then it means that either he will not want to deliver on his promises or he knows nothing about the economy.”

    Moreover, Morawiecki expressed confidence in Poland’s potential for even greater development, a sentiment acknowledged by experts in the West and appreciated by rating agencies. He cautioned against entrusting the economy to individuals associated with the economic downturn of the 1990s or their loyal adherents.

    As Morawiecki faces the task of forming the next government after the Law and Justice party won the most votes but lost its parliamentary majority, he acknowledged the challenge of securing a required vote of confidence for any government he forms. This situation could potentially pave the way for an opposition-led government to take charge.


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