The Migration Pact, its acceleration, and implementation in Poland were the topics of the second part of the Wieczór Republiki (TV Republika’s Evening) program. The guests were former MEP Prof. Zdzisław Krasnodębski and current MEP Arkadiusz Mularczyk from PiS.
“Did Donald Tusk get outplayed in Europe, or did he simply outplay the Polish people?” asked journalist Adrian Stankowski to Prof. Krasnodębski.
“The second situation is true. The last few weeks have been an earthquake in Germany. The Migration Pact benefits southern countries like Italy and Germany but is disadvantageous for Poland. It is scandalous that what Polish politicians agree to is being hidden from us, and we only learn about it from colleagues abroad. They are trying to deceive Poles in such a way that when migrants start arriving, they will say that nothing can be done. Unfortunately, we are in a state of decay as a country. No one talks to the Polish people, and politicians are hiding the truth. If we do nothing, things will get very bad.”
said Prof. Krasnodębski.
Arkadiusz Mularczyk emphasized that Donald Tusk would lie about the pact until the presidential elections and then impose it against the will of the Polish people.
“In Germany, parliamentary elections will take place in a few weeks, and society wants to get rid of illegal migrants. That is why work on the Migration Pact is being accelerated. Everyone knows that this issue is poorly received by Poles and other nations. Tusk tells us that he will handle the pact himself. He has already spoken about abolishing asylum law, which is, of course, untrue. And now, from the German government spokesman, we learn that Tusk is doing nothing that contradicts German national interests and the Brussels establishment. Until the elections, Tusk will deceive Poles into thinking he opposes the Migration Pact. And immediately after the elections, he will ruthlessly implement it in full in Poland.”
emphasized Mularczyk.
Under the Migration Pact, Poland will be required to accept several hundred thousand illegal immigrants, most of whom are unwanted in other European countries.