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Rare Celestial Event: Blue Moon and Supermoon Combo in August

Witness a rare cosmic display as a Supermoon meets the Blue Moon in August’s night sky. Learn about these lunar wonders and their captivating effects.

A Celestial Spectacle: Blue Moon and Dual Supermoons

Skywatchers are in for a treat on the night of August 30th-31st, as a rare astronomical event will grace the heavens. A unique combination of lunar occurrences will result in a remarkable sight – a Supermoon, appearing larger and more orange, and the second full moon of the month, known as a Blue Moon.

Supermoon’s Close Encounter

During this event, a Supermoon will grace the night sky, when the full moon is at its closest point to Earth. The term Supermoon is used when the moon is approximately 360,000 kilometers from Earth. This time around, it will be at a mere 357,344 kilometers.

Lunar Orbits and Illusions

The moon’s elliptical orbit around Earth leads to variations in its distance from our planet, resulting in perceptions of its size changing. When closer, the moon appears larger; when farther, it seems smaller. Damian Jabłeka from the Silesian Planetarium explains that these variations give rise to Supermoons and Minimoons.

The Blue Moon Phenomenon

August brings not one, but two full moons this year, with the first on August 1st. This calendar anomaly of two full moons in a single month is referred to as a Blue Moon. The term “once in a blue moon” finds fitting context here.

The Unique August Blue Moon

What makes this August’s Blue Moon even more exceptional is the occurrence of consecutive Supermoons instead of regular full moons. This alignment is truly a rare spectacle.

A Not-So-Blue Blue Moon

Contrary to its name, the Blue Moon won’t actually appear blue. Atmospheric effects during moonrise and moonset will give it an orange hue, and our perception might even make it seem gigantic.

Captivating Lunar Observation

Clear skies permitting, the Moon will be visible throughout the night, rising as the Sun sets on the opposite side. Observers are advised to check the moonrise location a day prior, as it will shift slightly the next evening.

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