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    Remembering the end of an era: anniversary of Polonez production suspension

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    April 22, 2023 marks the anniversary of the suspension of Polonez production at the Daewoo-FSO factory in Warsaw, which effectively meant the end of production of this iconic car.

    A symbol of the Polish automotive industry

    The Polonez was one of the most recognizable symbols of the Polish automotive industry, produced for over 20 years in various versions and models. Although the car was often criticized for its quality and appearance, it was one of the most popular cars in Poland and enjoyed a great reputation abroad.

    However, with the advancing globalization and competition in the automotive market, the production of the Polonez became less and less profitable. In 2002, the Daewoo-FSO factory announced the suspension of production, which meant the end of this iconic car.

    Today, almost 20 years after the end of production, the Polonez still remains a symbol of the Polish automotive industry and is still loved by many fans. Nevertheless, the production of the Polonez will never return, and its place in the market has been replaced by new models and brands.

    The anniversary of the suspension of Polonez production is worth commemorating to remember the history of the Polish automotive industry and reflect on the future of the industry. Although the Polonez no longer drives on Polish roads, its legacy still remains and continues to influence the development of automotive industry in Poland and around the world.

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