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Savory or Sweet? Exploring Breakfast Choices in Prestigious Office Environments

MyCatering, a frontrunner in delivering top-notch dietary catering, embarked on a study delving into the breakfast preferences of employees in Adgar Poland-owned office buildings. Over five weeks, participants were presented with a selection of seven dishes meticulously prepared by dieticians to unravel their ultimate breakfast favorites.

The findings of this study unveil several noteworthy revelations. Notably, an astonishing 87% of respondents affirmed their regular consumption of breakfast, with 47% favoring their morning meal at home. Intriguingly, the majority expressed a strong inclination towards savory breakfast options, although a minority confessed to being open to experimenting with diverse flavors.

When probed about the preference for serving breakfast cold or hot, employees seemed indifferent, hinting at a burgeoning interest in healthier, lighter fare suitable for consumption both at home and in the workplace.

“As one of the pioneering catering companies in Poland, we vigilantly track the behaviors and preferences of our clients regarding menu selection,” remarks Milka Bachanek, CEO of Natural Brand, the parent company of MyCatering. “We’ve recently observed a top five in breakfast choices, with items like vegetable omelets, Greek yogurt with fruits and nuts, chia pudding with coconut, and sweet and savory toasts reigning supreme. Given the popularity of our dietary catering among professionals in sectors like IT, finance, and pharmaceuticals, we felt compelled to validate these observations through our study.”

One of the most intriguing findings was the enthusiastic embrace of employers arranging breakfasts. Most respondents viewed this initiative as a stellar employee benefit, indicating a rising trend in its adoption across the workforce.

In the wake of the pandemic, a fresh trend has emerged – Healthy Employer Branding. Beyond competitive salaries, bonus schemes, or motivational programs, an increasing emphasis is placed on fostering the physical and mental well-being of employees.

“At Adgar Poland, we prioritize the well-being of our tenant community and actively seek initiatives that enrich the office experience,” notes Wiktoria Frej, Marketing & PR Specialist at Adgar Poland. “The breakfast tasting event conducted in collaboration with MyCatering unequivocally aligns with this ethos.” MyCatering intends to leverage the gleaned insights to tailor their range of meal plans to the preferences of their corporate clientele.

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