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The Critical Self-Stereotype of Poles in the Proboscis monkey Memes

The Proboscis monkey memes critically depict Poles, highlighting issues of consumerism and societal division, according to Dr. Marek Kochan.

The portrayal of Janusz Nosacz, the Typical Pole in memes, is overwhelmingly negative. Dr. Marek Kochan, a professor at SWPS University, argues that this depiction aligns with an unfairly negative image of Poles perpetuated in the media post-1989.

According to Kochan, the behaviors depicted by Nosacz represent a resistance strategy against the expansion of the free market and global brands. He analyzed 354 memes, revealing Nosacz’s values, habits, social roles, and lifestyle. Typically, Nosacz is a middle-aged man, nostalgic for the communist era, financially struggling, and attached to traditional ways.

Consumer Habits and Social Critique

Nosacz is portrayed as a thrifty, materialistic consumer, constantly seeking bargains and promotions. His behaviors are often anti-social, self-centered, and disruptive in public settings. Kochan interprets this as a critique of consumerism and the dominance of global brands.

Impact on Polish Identity and Social Polarization

Kochan suggests that these memes, while potentially prompting self-reflection, risk polarizing society. They create a divide between those who distance themselves from “Polishness” and those who feel stigmatized by these negative stereotypes. This phenomenon raises concerns about symbolic violence and societal divisions.

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