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    The Great Battle for Multiplex Slots: Katarzyna Gójska’s Call to Break the Media Cartel

    Telewizja Republika is launching an ambitious campaign to secure a slot on the country’s digital multiplex, aiming to extend its reach across Poland. Katarzyna Gójska, in her recent column for “Gazeta Polska,” emphasizes the necessity to dismantle what she terms the “post-communist propaganda wall” and end the dominance of media controlled by the descendants of the old regime.

    Gójska asserts that the increasing trust in Telewizja Republika is not merely a reaction to the so-called December 13 coalition’s assault on public television, but rather a testament to the Polish people’s desire for a truly independent media. She argues that Poland needs a broadcaster free from political influence, one that serves the interests of the Republic and its citizens.

    For the first time since 1989, Gójska notes, an influential media outlet has emerged with exclusively Polish capital, free from post-communist ties and committed to resisting foreign influences, whether from Russia or Germany. Telewizja Republika prides itself on a diverse group of journalists, whose varied perspectives enrich public debate.

    Despite their independence, Gójska acknowledges that this stance is inconvenient for politicians across the spectrum, not just those aligned with Tusk. After 25 years since the fall of the Polish People’s Republic, she believes Poles deserve a media outlet untainted by party agendas or foreign government directives.

    The timing of this battle is critical. Gójska recalls the tragic death of the Polish president in Russia 14 years ago, framing it as part of a broader threat posed by Russia. She warns against any attempts to placate Putin, arguing that Poland’s security hinges on media like Telewizja Republika, which is staunchly critical of post-communism and immune to Kremlin influences.

    Telewizja Republika’s fight for a multiplex slot is supported by prominent figures from the Solidarity movement, including the Gwiazda family, Krzysztof Wyszkowski, and Andrzej Kołodziej. They share a common goal: to end the post-communist monopoly on public discourse. Gójska believes that with the support of viewers and Polish patriots, this goal is within reach.

    Telewizja Republika promises to keep the public informed about their efforts and stresses the importance of social pressure and mobilization. Gójska concludes with a call to action, urging the public to join in breaking the media cartel and achieving true freedom of speech in Poland.

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