Netflix brings Jakub Żulczyk’s acclaimed novel Wzgórze psów (The Hill of Dogs) to life in a gripping new series. At the center of the story is Mikołaj Głowacki (played by Mateusz Kościukiewicz), a famous writer who returns to his hometown of Zybork after years away. Once battling addiction, Mikołaj gained fame with a novel inspired by a decades-old murder in his community. Now, as a blackmailer threatens to expose the real story, he must confront his tragic past.
Joining Mikołaj is his wife Justyna (Jaśmina Polak), a driven investigative journalist. She quickly becomes entangled in uncovering the town’s deep-seated corruption. The couple arrives in Zybork for Mikołaj’s father Tomasz’s birthday celebration. Tomasz Głowacki, portrayed by Robert Więckiewicz, is a powerful local figure fighting against government plans to transform the town against the residents’ wishes.
What starts as a visit spirals into a harrowing journey. A series of murders and mysterious accidents keeps Mikołaj and Justyna in Zybork as they delve into the town’s darkest secrets, uncovering what truly happened on a fateful night years ago.
“The adaptation of The Hill of Dogs has been an incredibly rewarding process,” Żulczyk, who co-wrote the screenplay, shared. “This story, full of darkness and ambiguity, has gained new depth through the series. I’m proud of how we captured Zybork’s oppressive atmosphere and the complex relationships between the characters.”
“It’s a story about anger, injustice, and betrayal—emotions that resonate with many,” Żulczyk added. “Thanks to a fantastic cast and the team’s hard work, we’ve created a series that I hope will keep Polish audiences on edge and provoke reflection.”
The Hill of Dogs promises to be a tense, thought-provoking journey into the shadows of human nature. Stream it now on Netflix!