Today (March 18), Telewizja Republika invites you to the premiere of the film “Pielgrzym” Pierwsza pielgrzymka Jana Pawła II do ojczyzny (English: ‘The Pilgrim’ – John Paul II’s first pilgrimage to his homeland) on 2-10 June 1979.
Nine days changed Poland. One of the most important events in the 1000-year history of Poland. Almost 44 years ago, the greatest of Poles – St John Paul II – arrived in Poland. It was the first pilgrimage of the Holy Father to his homeland after his election.
Millions of people at ceremonies, tears, flowers, flags, and emotion on their faces. This is how Poles experienced Pope’s arrival in their homeland. Those who remember those days will relieve them. For younger ones, the film will allow them to experience these exceptionally moving moments for the first time.

In June 1979, in defiance of the communist authorities, crowds of the faithful took to the streets and welcomed their Pope. And the Holy Father’s words at that difficult time gave us Poles hope and faith.
“And I cry—I who am a Son of the land of Poland and who am also Pope John Paul II—I cry from all the depths of this Millennium, I cry on the vigil of Pentecost: Let your Spirit descend. Let your Spirit descend. and renew the face of the earth, the face of this land,”
John Paul II said at the time. Every Pole knows these words and is able to repeat them even when awakened in the middle of the night.
And yet the words of St John Paul II addressed then to the Poles, are relevant even in the present day.
“I ask you to embrace once again this entire spiritual heritage, whose name is Poland, with faith, hope and love. So that you do not yourselves undercut those roots from which we grow,”
the Holy Father John Paul II said.
“May you too, beloved compatriots, be able to enjoy inner peace, freedom, unity and respect for the truth of our nation, which rights it has earned with blood, sweat, and tears among the peoples of Europe and the world,”
the Pope emphasised.
“Among other films, ‘Pilgrim’ stands out because it shows in an extremely emotional way how Poles experienced Pope’s arrival in their homeland,”
Father Paweł Rytel-Andrianik, spokesman for the Polish Bishops’ Conference, in June 2019, said.
We can relive this special time for us Poles once again on the air of Telewizaj Republika.
Directed and written by Andrzej Trzos-Rastawiecki Music: Bogusław Schaeffer The film uses recordings of the Grand Orchestra of the National Philharmonic conducted by Wojciech Michniewski. Produced by the Holy See and the Polish Episcopate.