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The Zoo Wroclaw’s 2024: A Year of Remarkable Animal Arrivals and Births [PHOTOS]

A Banner Year for Endangered Species
The Zoo Wroclaw celebrated significant milestones in 2024, including the birth of four critically endangered Sumatran tiger cubs—Musi, Hari, Kampar, and Indera. Their arrival drew global attention, as this subspecies numbers only around 400 in the wild. Additionally, the zoo welcomed Nadira, a reticulated giraffe, and two zebra foals, Bali and Bakcyl, to its vibrant savanna habitat.

New Additions Across the Zoo
Visitors were thrilled to meet new residents, including red pandas Lian and Bernie, three capybaras, and playful meerkats. Rare births of golden takins, dikdiks, and sable antelopes highlighted success in hoofstock breeding. Meanwhile, the aviary saw rare hatchings like critically endangered sharp-tailed parrots, snow owls, and Palawan hornbills.

A Commitment to Conservation
The Zoo Wroclaw expanded its conservation efforts, welcoming new lions, painted dogs, and a diverse array of birds, including flamingos and the rare Annam crested argus. Terrarium and aquarium collections also grew, with species like McCord’s turtles and rainbowfish enhancing the zoo’s role as a biodiversity haven.

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