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Today is Good Friday

Good Friday is an important religious holiday in Poland, commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It falls on the Friday before Easter Sunday and is a solemn day of reflection and mourning for Christians around the world.

In Poland, Good Friday is a national holiday, and many people attend church services throughout the day. The most solemn of these services is the Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion, which is held in the late afternoon or evening. During this service, the story of Christ’s crucifixion is read from the Gospel, and the faithful participate in a Veneration of the Cross ceremony, which involves kissing or touching a wooden cross as a sign of respect and devotion.

In addition to attending church services, there are also several Good Friday traditions in Poland. One of the most notable is the custom of Gorzkie Żale, or “Bitter Lamentations,” which involves singing hymns and psalms that reflect on the suffering of Christ. The tradition originated in the 18th century and is still practiced in many churches and homes throughout Poland.

Another Good Friday tradition in Poland is the custom of fasting and abstaining from meat. Many people will only eat simple, meatless meals on this day as a way of expressing their devotion and sacrifice. Some traditional foods for Good Friday in Poland include fish, and potatoes.

Finally, in some regions of Poland, there is also a tradition of forging nails on Good Friday. This tradition is believed to have originated in the Middle Ages when blacksmiths would create nails for the construction of churches and crosses. The act of forging nails on Good Friday is seen as a symbolic reenactment of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, with each blow of the hammer representing a blow to Christ’s body during his crucifixion.

Good Friday is an important day of religious observance and reflection in Poland, with a variety of traditions and customs that help to connect the faithful with the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

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