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Uncovering the Dark Past of the Gajewski Family: Shocking Revelations in ‘Gazeta Polska’

In the latest issue of Gazeta Polska, readers can learn about a brutal 1985 murder, the darkest secret of the Gajewski family—specifically, the father of current MP Kinga Gajewska (Civic Coalition) and father-in-law of Deputy Justice Minister Arkadiusz Myrcha. “Will Gajewska and Myrcha try to explain that they took a house from an accomplice to murderers who covered up evidence, with the Security Service assisting because he informed on his brothers?” asks legendary opposition activist Krzysztof Wyszkowski.

“Gazeta Polska” Reveals Shocking Story

“Tomorrow in kiosks: the terrifying story of the Gajewski family, the father of MP Kinga Gajewska and father-in-law of Deputy Justice Minister A. Myrcha. It’s hard to fathom how anyone could bury an innocent person alive,” wrote Marcin Dobski on social media today. He, alongside Joanna Grabarczyk and Grzegorz Wierzchołowski, authored this publication, which will surely attract significant attention.

Gazeta Polska has revealed that Piotr Gajewski, the father of MP Kinga Gajewska and father-in-law of Deputy Justice Minister Arkadiusz Myrcha, now a businessman in gold and real estate, was accused in the late 1980s of covering up evidence of a brutal murder committed by his brothers.

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