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    Unusual Bloom in Łańcut Castle Gardens: The Dragon Lily

    For the first time ever, the gardens of Łańcut Castle are showcasing the bloom of the exotic dragon lily, known for its striking appearance and unusual scent. This red-purple flower, standing at an impressive meter tall, emits an odor reminiscent of rotting meat.

    The dragon lily, or Dracunculus vulgaris, is a recent addition to the castle’s botanical collection. Its distinctive flower features a long, leaf-like spathe enveloping a black spadix, making it hard to miss. However, it’s the flower’s smell that truly sets it apart.

    Wiesław Koza, the head of the castle’s park department, explains that the unpleasant scent is a clever adaptation to attract beetles and flies, which are vital for pollination. “The insect gets trapped inside the flower overnight, only to be released the next day covered in pollen,” Koza elaborates.

    Native to Southern Europe, the dragon lily is not only a visual and olfactory curiosity but also has practical applications. The plant is toxic and reputed to deter rodents, which could prove beneficial in managing the garden’s vole population. “We have a lot of voles in our perennial beds, so this might help control them,” Koza adds.

    Currently, two dragon lilies are in bloom, with four more expected to blossom soon. These unique flowers can be found in the perennial beds on the southern side of the castle, to the right of the entrance. Visitors to Łańcut Castle will not want to miss this extraordinary floral display.

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