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Unveiling the European City of Science 2024: Katowice’s Year-Long Scientific Celebration

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Katowice, Poland, is set to host the European City of Science 2024 celebration, centered around 50 thematic weeks of learning for the community. The program, led by the Śląskie Festiwal Nauki (ŚFN), promises a diverse array of scientific topics engaging various audiences.

50 Thematic Weeks:
Beginning on January 1, 2024, with the “Week of Cold,” subsequent themes include treasures, food, and artificial intelligence. Each week addresses a scientific problem directly impacting people’s lives, fostering a rich exploration of science for diverse audiences, from children to seniors.

Creative Director’s Insights:
Dr. Łukasz Lamża, the creative director, highlighted the immersive experience planned for each week. For example, the Week of Cold will feature activities like winter swimming and molecular gastronomy, engaging participants in exploring low temperatures’ scientific aspects.

International Events:
The European Science Open Forum (ESOF 2024) in June and the EU Talent Fair demonstrate Katowice’s commitment to interdisciplinary discussions and career opportunities in science.

Science in the City Festival:
The European Science in the City Festival will showcase EU-funded research projects by local scientists through citywide initiatives, including science picnics and artistic-scientific performances.

Youth Engagement:
Initiatives like EU TalentOn and EUSYS competitions target young scientists, fostering problem-solving skills. The program aims to enhance awareness of educational needs for both students and teachers.

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