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US Department of State Engages with Polish Authorities Amidst Missile Incursion

In the aftermath of Friday’s incident involving a missile breaching Poland’s airspace, the US Department of State has been in direct communication with Polish authorities, as revealed by a spokesperson in a statement to the Polish Press Agency.

Poland, a vital member of the NATO alliance, raised concerns after suggesting that a Russian missile might have intruded into its airspace on the morning of the aforementioned Friday. In response to a query from PAP, the spokesperson for the US State Department acknowledged their awareness of the incident and emphasized their ongoing coordination with Polish officials to address the matter.

Underlining the United States’ unwavering commitment to NATO security, the spokesperson reiterated the nation’s dedication to defending its allies within the alliance. However, when pressed on confirming the Russian origin of the missile, the Pentagon’s press officer declined to provide any comment. Instead, they directed inquiries to the Polish authorities, indicating a collaborative approach in addressing the situation.

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