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We will not be silenced – protest

We publish a protest on media censorship below. You can download it or send it directly to MEPs. 

1. Click on the links below (they are packets of 70 addresses) – in the email will automatically appear the addressees and the letter’s content in English. 

When sending letters from a desktop computer, an email program such as Outlook is required.

Lista 1
Lista 2
Lista 3
Lista 4
Lista 5
Lista 6
Lista 7
Lista 8
Lista 9
Lista 10

2. Write your name at the bottom of the email, and possibly your occupation/place of work.

3. Send the letter.

Take action against TVN’s censorship!

If you do not agree to the censorship that the TVN television station demands to be introduced by the court, do not be indifferent!

Polish, European and world institutions dealing with the issue of freedom of speech and human rights shall be overwhelmed by our protests. 

We encourage you to forward the text below to the institutions listed at the end of this article, as well as to your representatives in the Polish Sejm and Senate, and European Parliament:

„TVN lies”, „TVN provides information that protects Putin”, „TVN hides the truth about the Smolensk Air Disaster”, and „TVN’s publications are manipulated” - the TVN group operating in Poland demands a ban on such words. Exercising my rights under Article 54 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, I, the undersigned, hereby declare that in my opinion each of the above statements is true. It is an outrageous and brazen attack on freedom of speech to demand that the court ban the defendant from using these words for one year without a fair trial, without hearing the parties to the dispute, and without an impartial and fair judgment, by way of injunctive relief. Thus, the TV station was founded by people associated with the communist security service, whose founder (according to the offer by Wojciech Jaruzelski, the Spokesman of the criminal military junta) was supposed to warm up the image of the ZOMO formation torturing people in the streets, returns to its roots.

The Poles, fighting against people like the founders of TVN, won freedom of speech in their country at the cost of many victims. The post-communists of TVN also took advantage of it, defending the interests of their community with the help of this TV station, including relativizing the guilt of communist criminals, and educating the children of many security force officers to become journalists. Yet, they have no clue what the values are to which they owe the right to speak freely. The TVN station, despite changes in ownership and attempts to pose as a defender of European and Western values, is still managed by people with a Soviet mentality. As such, we remind the Soviets of TVN that censorship is illegal in our Western civilization. Article 54 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland states that (1.) The freedom to express opinions, to acquire and to disseminate information shall be ensured to everyone. (2.) Preventive censorship of the means of social communication and the licensing of the press shall be prohibited. Statutes may require the receipt of a permit for the operation of a radio or television station.

Article 10 of the Human Rights Act states that (1.) Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.

In turn, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights corresponds to Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (1.) and states that (2.) The freedom and pluralism of the media shall be respected.

Participating in normal public discourse requires an acknowledgement of these Western norms. Changing the logo from red, sickle and hammer to blue and yellow colours does not make you a democrat. To protest this issue, we appeal to all those who hold freedom of speech in high regard.

Send a protest in Polish or English. PDF files to download and send can be found below.

Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji

Wydział ds. Skarg i Wniosków

ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 101

00-763 Warszawa


Urząd Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów

pl. Powstańców Warszawy 1

00-950 Warszawa

Rada Unii Europejskiej

Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat 175

1048 Bruxelles/Brussel, Belgia

Ambasada USA

Aleje Ujazdowskie 29/31

00-540 Warszawa


Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.

230 Park Avenue South

New York, NY 10003


Warner Bros.Discovery


Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka

ul. Wiejska 16

00-490 Warszawa

Biuro Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich

al. Solidarności 77

00-090 Warszawa

Stowarzyszenie Amnesty International

pl. Lelewela 8

01-624 Warszawa

  Protest – poster

  Protest – poster (Polish)

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