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The European Commission continues the Article 7 procedure

The European Commission has announced that it won’t revoke its complaint to the European Court of Justice nor drop the Article 7 procedure against Poland. The decision comes after the Polish government passed an amendment to the Supreme Court bill, allowing the judges who were recently forced to retire after the age of 65 to come back to their positions. The reinstating of justices was demanded by the European Court of Justice.

The Czech European Commissioner for Justice, Věra Jourová, stated in radio interview that the amendment to the Supreme Court bill is a step in the right direction but that the European Commission still intends to implement article 7 on Poland, for the alleged breaking of the rule of law in the country. The final step of Article 7 could lead to political sanctions being placed on Poland, stripping the country of it’s right to vote in the EU. However, such a result is highly unlikely as the decision would have to receive unanimous support by the 28 EU member states represented in the European Council. Hungary and the Baltic states have already announced that they would veto any such attempts.

Ryszard Czarnecki, an MEP of the ruling Polish Law & Justice Party argues that the European Commission can’t let the case go as it’s looking for reasons to undermine the Polish government. According to him, the amendment Poland made to the Supreme Court bill would have otherwise caused the European Commission to drop the case against Poland.

Dobromir Sośnierz, MEP of the Freedom Party states that European Commission is on the hunt for the Law and Justice party, since it took Poland out of reach of German influence. He believes that Germany is using the EU and the Civic Platform and Modern parties to get back its influence in Poland. He claims that until it happenns, Germany won’t back off and that If this excuse doesn’t work, the Germans will find another.

The state of rule of law in Poland will be discussed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of all EU member states on December 11th. According to unofficial sources, the Court of Justice in Luxembourg may give its final decision concerning the suspension of the Polish Supreme Court bill by the end of this year.

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