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    Morawiecki about the Battle of Warsaw in the world media

    On the centennial anniversary of the Battle of Warsaw, commemorative articles by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, the head of the Institute of National Remembrance Jarosław Szarek and the historian and sovietologist prof. Andrzej Nowak appeared in many world media.

    Prime Minister Morawiecki’s article on the Battle of Warsaw was also published on Saturday in the Israeli daily “Israel Hajom” and in the media in Spain, Serbia, Venezuela, Peru and Indonesia. The text of the President of the Institute of National Remembrance, Jarosław Szarek, was published in Algeria. “The Polish-Soviet war is a node for all of Europe,” Mateusz Morawiecki begins his article. The Polish Prime Minister reminds that the battle fought on August 15, 1920 should be mentioned “as a decisive moment in the fight against totalitarianism in Europe”, and because of the Iron Curtain, its importance “for the history of Europe was not recorded in the world’s memory in the way it deserves”. Morawiecki then describes the Battle of Warsaw as the culmination of the formation of the modern Polish nation, which has consolidated “around the most modern concepts – positivism, democratic reforms, empowerment of women and social masses.” The text is published in the media all over the world as part of the project “We’re telling Poland to the world” prepared on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Warsaw by the Institute of New Media with the support of the Institute of National Remembrance.


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