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    A joint statement of the Visegrad Group concerning Belarus

    We call the Belarusian authorities for opening the way for the political solution to the crisis, to respect human rights and freedom, and to refrain from the violence against peaceful protesters – wrote the Presidents of the Visegrad Group countries in a joint statement.

    The Presidents Andrzej Duda (Poland), Milosz Zeman (Czech Republic), Zuzana Czaputova (Slovakia) and Janos Ader (Hungary) expressed their ‘deepest concern about the presidential elections which result has not been accepted by the Belarusian society’ in a joint statement issued on the 19th of August. 


    Presidents also stressed their support for ‘free, fair and democratic presidential elections in Belarus’


    ‘We are glad that the European Council’s videoconference is going to be held’ – they stressed. ‘EU needs to establish a dialogue between Belarusian authorities and the society, and to consider solidarity actions with Belarusian people’.   


    The Presidents of the Visegrad Group countries also called for ‘all foreign entities to refrain from actions undermining the independence and sovereignty of Belarus’.

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