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    The Grand Prix Laureate of Green Film Festival in Cracow: Honeyland

    We know the Grand Prix winners of the International Green Film Festival in Cracow. The ceremony of the awards held in the festival town on the Vistula boulevards.

    The main prize – the Grand Prix – won the movie ‘Honeyland’. It is a Macedonian documentary film from 2019, directed by Tamara Kotevska and Ljubomir Stefanov. The film portrays the life of Hatidže Muratova. She is a wild bees’ keeper, who lives in the remote mountain village of Bekirlija with her seriously ill mother. 


    This year during the festival 53 films qualified. Additionally, there were presented about 20 movies in the form of special shows. 


    According to the official website of the festival, Cracow Green Film Festival (KGFF) ‘is an international festival of ecological films, it is a celebration of cinema and people who are not indifferent to the fate of our planet’. 

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