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    Alexei Navalny’s condition is stable but serious

    ‘If Alexei Navalny survived the ‘poisonous attack’, he would be off politics for few months’ – said Jaka Bizilj, the founder of Cinema for Peace foundation, to German’s tabloid ‘Bild’. Bazilj’s foundation sent the medical plane for Navalny. He was transported from Omsk to Berlin’s hospital Charité on Saturday.

    ‘If he managed to survive and he had a good condition, for sure he would not be in the political area for at least one, two months’ – said Bazijl. He also added that Navalny managed the flight quite good from Omsk to Berlin. 


    Doctors from the Charité Hospital said that Navalny’s condition is stable but serious. The Chief Physician of the Hospital in Omsk Alexander Murachowski ensured that ‘German friends also do not doubt that patient’s life was saved’. 

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