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    Mayor of Gdansk stabbed during charity event

    Paweł Adamowicz, the recently reelected Mayor of Gdansk was stabbed during the annual charity event “Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. According to the Minister of Interior, Joachim Brudziński, Adamowicz was seriously wounded in the attack.

    The attack took place on Sunday, January 13th during the Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity in Gdansk.

    The Mayor was standing on the stage as the attacker suddenly leaped towards him. After the attack, the assailant remained on stage and grabbed as microphone to tell the audiance his motive for the attack. The man claimed that he had been imprisoned for 5 years as an innocent man during the years that the Civic Platform party ruled in Poland. He continued by saying that this was the reason why he had stabbed the Mayor associated with that party and that this was the reason why the Mayor had to die.

    The Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has condemned the attack and has asked the Minister of Interior to keep him updated with information about the case. The Prime Minister also writes that he is praying for the Mayor.

    Information is still sparse at the moment. it has been announced that the authorities will hold a press conference tomorrow.

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