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    Radek Rak got the Literature Prize ‘Nike’

    The Literature Prize ‘Nike’ got Radek Rak for ‘Fairy tale about the snake’s heart or another word about Jakób Szela’ – announced the Head of the Jury Paweł Próchniak during the Sunday’s gala.

    Próchniak, in his laudation, assessed that ‘this book is a folk tale and as every folk tale, it is a triumph of the imagination and touches the reality, the real world’. 


    The Reader’s Literature Prize ‘Nike’ got Joanna Gierak-Onoszko for ’27 deaths of Toby Obed’.


    The Literature Prize ‘Nike’ is awarded annually for the best book of the previous year. It aims to promote Polish literature. In the contest, all literary species might take part. The winner gets 100 thousand PLN and the figurine. The founders of the ‘Nike’ Prize are ‘Electoral Gazette’ (Gazeta Wyborcza) and Agora’s Foundation. 

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