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Mucha comments on the acquisition of Polska Press by Orlen Group. ‘It is a business decision’

The acquisition of Polska Press by Orlen Group is a business decision – assessed the Vice-chief of the Chancellery of the President Paweł Mucha. It is an information management issue, the organisation of some media strategy. (…) It is also the context of strengthening of Polish international capital. It is strengthening of Polish economy pillars – he added.

Orlen Group informed that it made a bid for the redemption of publishing company Polska Press. Thanks to that, Orlen will have access to over 17.4 million users and to readers of 20 regional journals, 120 local weekly newspapers and, inter alia, ‘Dziennik Bałtycki’, ‘Polska The Times’ or ‘Dziennik Polski’. The publishing company is also the owner of 500 websites. According to Orlen, Polska Press is one of the largest publishers in Poland, which achieved incomes at the level of over 398.4 million PLN in 2019. 


Presidential Minister was asked on the air of Program 1 of Polish Radio whether the acquisition of Polska Press by Orlen Group is ‘a first step to Polonisation of media before the appearance of the regulation or not’. 


According to Mucha, the acquisition of Polska Press by Orlen Group ‘is a business decision’. 


‘Yesterday, the President of the Management Board and the Chief Executive of PKN Orlen Daniel Obajtek said clearly about it, pinpointing the examples of other international concerns’ – said the Vice-chief of the Chancellery of the President. 


He added that ‘it is an information management issue, the organisation of some media strategy’. He emphasised that he was surprised over some politicians or publicists’ comments, who voiced their disapproval. ‘It is such a belief that it is better to manage media from abroad and it is even worse when the Polish Business Champion starts to manage it’ – emphasised Mucha. 


‘But as far as the Polonisation of media is concerned, I have always claimed that it is a context of strengthening of Polish international capital. Basing on national resources is also strengthening of Polish economy pillars’ – he added. 

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