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Harsh winter conditions continue

Poles are no strangers to heavy winters but the last few days have exceeded the wildest expectations. For a few more days the temperature will stay as low as – 18 celsius but much less snow is forecast. Drivers are advised to exercise caution due to black ice, and city officials and charities are watching over the homeless for whom the bitter cold is especially dangerous.


Broken trees, impassable roads, and frozen rivers. Another attack of winter has brought numerous flood warnings and communication difficulties.

“On the Wisla river near the town of Płock we prepare for possible flooding. This is due to excessive snowfall and freezing rivers and creeks. For the past 24 hours we have had 10 interventions caused by snow including 6 crashes and 4 broken trees.” stated junior corporal Michał Skrzypa, a firefighter from Warsaw. 

The traffic situation; however, is under control.

“At the moment there are no traffic problems. All roads under our supervision are passable. The road surface is black and wet. Forecasts are for moderate snowfall. We are obviously monitoring the situation and will react accordingly.” commented Małgorzata Tarnowska from the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways.

Nonetheless, low temperatures pose a great threat to the homeless.

“We have to pay attention to the situation of these persons. And really react when we spot someone trying to sleep outdoors. And there are such situations. We should call the city services as soon as possible. This is the single most difficult time for homeless people. We are distributing meals all the time – in fact we are giving away twice as much food as usual.” said fr. Szymon Janowski from the capuchin foundation.

Despite traffic difficulties, many people enjoy such a white winter – snowball fights and sliding down small slopes are among the main winter attractions. 

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