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The vision of e-country is updated all the time

The vision of the e-country is changing and being updated all the time, e.g. as a result of events such as a pandemic – said the Secretary of State at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister Marek Zagórski at the press conference about Country 2.0 on Thursday. He stressed that more e-administration solutions are being developed.

‘There is no such thing as a finished and closed vision of the e-country, it is of course presented in general outlines, while the details must be changed constantly, if only for the reason that new technologies enter, but also the situation changes,’ he said. 


He explained that because of this, updates are made all the time, like the Program of Integrated Digitalization of the Country. 


According to Zagórski, one of the phenomena that significantly affected the use of e-administration services was the coronavirus pandemic. The Minister indicated that during this period tasks related to making e-administration available and disseminating its solutions were continued.


He informed that Poles in 2020 have set up 4.174.206 Trusted Profiles, which are used to verify identity in contacts with e-administration. 


‘For us, this is a key indicator of what the interest in e-administration is and how that e-administration is working,’ he added. 


‘Today we are approaching 10 million Poles actively using e-administration,’ he said. 


He added that almost half of newborns were reported online last year, and the gov. pl website, which Zagórski described as a gateway to e-administration, was visited 1.407 billion times. 


Zagórski also announced the development of further e-country services, such as within the framework of the virtual office package, where local services would be provided, and construction of the e-delivery system, in which correspondence between citizens and administration would be in basic version conducted electronically.


‘We will modernize the Trusted Profile, develop government cloud computing, but also popularize cloud services for the administration,’ he declared. 


In his opinion, a significant change will be brought by the new law on computerization, which will effectively introduce digital default, i.e., the primacy of electronic solutions over paper ones. 


‘We hope to have this bill ready later this year. It will be one of the reforms that make up the digital transformation package that we will implement as part of the National Recovery Program,’ he announced.

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