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The lights went out in the Presidential Palace – KPRP has joined the #EarthHour

The Chancellery of the President once again joined the action ‘Earth Hour, at 8.30 pm per one hour the lights went out in the Presidential Palace and Belvedere. It was a symbolic expression of concern for the future of the environment – wrote the Chancellery of President on Saturday.

As highlighted in the communication on the presidential office’s website, in Poland the action was celebrated under the motto ‘Baltic Sea Hour’.


‘At 8:30 PM, the lights went out in the Presidential Palace and Belvedere as a symbolic expression of concern for the future of the environment,’ reported the Chancellery of the President (KPRP) yesterday (27 Mar 2021). 


On Saturday (27 Mar 2021), in hundreds of cities around the world, as well as in dozens in Poland, at 8.30 PM per hour, the lights went out as part of the WWF action ‘EarthHour’. The action has been taking place since 2007 every last Saturday in March.


This year in Poland, environmentalists from the WWF want to pay attention to the protection of the Baltic Sea. On their website, you can sign a petition to Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki for our country to take the lead on the international stage in achieving the good environmental status of the Baltic Sea, concerning the framework directive of HELCOM (The Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission). Environmentalists are also calling for sustainable fishing in the water.

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