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Nowak released from prison on bail

The developing story of high profile political corruption took another turn today as the District Court of Warsaw released Mr. Sławomir Nowak from prison. Mr Nowak was a colleague of former prime minister Donald Tusk, a minister in his government, and head of the Ukrainian road authority. Last year Kiev produced the corruption charges and since July 2020 Nowak has been in detention. The Warsaw court’s decision to free Nowak came as a shock to the prosecutors.

Sławomir Nowak might look like a model but years ago he was one of the most promising ministers in the Donald Tusk government. Now he is being prosecuted for committing several corrupt acts, including accepting bribes for the awarding of contracts for the construction and repair of roads in Ukraine, as well as money laundering. Journalists established that the judge, Agnieszka Domańska, who freed Nowak is a part of the Justicia organisation that opposes the current government. Last Friday former prime minister Donald Tusk appeared on national television and called the Nowak arrest “political”. 

“There is a question whether Mr. Tusk’s aggressive and baseless accusation on TV and the action of the judiciary are connected? For months we got completely different verdicts based on the same facts.” commented minister of justice, Zbigniew Ziobro. 

Nowak paid the court a 1 000 000 Polish zloty bail, police supervision, and a ban on leaving the country.

“I will fight for my reputation but now please allow me to meet my family. And I thank everyone who has supported me.” stated Sławomir Nowak.

Joanna Broniszewska, Nowak’s attorney announced that she will disclose illegal activities of state law enforcement agencies in this case.  

“I am happy for what has happened but at this stage I will not comment on further proceedings.” said the attorney.

At the same time the prosecutor wants the court to reconsider the decision because of the severe penalty of up to 15 years imprisonment. Prosecutors need to hear additional witnesses and are afraid that Mr. Nowak will influence the hearing if he is set free.  

The remaining suspects in the investigation of the District Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw are also at large, including a friend of the former minister, Jacek P., who is also a suspect and a key witness for the prosecutor’s office, as his explanations contributed to the presentation of further charges against Nowak.







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