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    Opening of a unique exhibition of “Gazeta Polska”. “For Poles, independence was as important as air to breathe”

    “It is impossible to describe in a short text, a short exhibition or even a press article what “Gazeta Polska” did in 155 years, and even what it did until World War II because the exhibition also talks about this period. Poles for whom it was important so that they were ready to work for this independence, to fight for it and to maintain it. This is a testimony, these two albums presented in the exhibition” – said during the opening of the exhibition entitled “Od Zwierciadła polskości po Laur niepodległości” [From the Mirror of Polishness to the Laurel of Independence] the bard of the Free Speech Zone, Paweł Piekarczyk.

    On Thursday, 24th June, at Piłsudski Square in Warsaw, an official opening of an exhibition entitled “Od Zwierciadła polskości po Laur nipodległosci” took place. The exhibition is a record, recorded in words and images, of the turbulent history of post-partition of Poland emerging from hundreds of pages of the former “Gazeta Polska”. It will be available until July 8.


    “One of the first actions of “Gazeta Polska” from the November Uprising was the publication of the payroll of the Russian Embassy in Warsaw. One of the first actions that “Gazeta Polska” did in free Poland was, of course, the publication of Macierewicz’s list, and the publication about the real estate that the Russian Federation owned in absolutely key places in Warsaw. This unity, which I personally have worked for “Gazeta Polska” for many years, it is nice to have such colleagues from the title as Eliza Orzeszkowa or Henryk Sienkiewicz” – said Piekarczyk in an interview with Niezalezna. pl website.


    Adam Borowski, a legendary communist opposition activist, was also present at the opening of the exhibition.


    “Home and school are most important, hence the difficult role of the Minister of Education. And the environment of “Gazeta Polska” and “Gazeta Polska” Clubs is supposed to complement it with such a range of offers for young people, and this should be done in a modern, varied way. It is not easy, because we are old and we were brought up in the patriotic spirit, and we have to use new tools to convey this patriotism and love for the homeland. This is because we never know at what point we will come to bear witness to our commitment to that independence. Do we choose to flee or do we choose to persist and fight for that independence? There must be a verbal readiness to defend this independence and that is the most important thing. For the time being, we don’t have to take up arms in this defence, but whether it will always be like this, we don’t know” – said Borowski.

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