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PKN ORLEN launches first tests of private industrial 5G network in Poland

PKN ORLEN will be the first in Poland to test a private, industrial 5G network in a real environment of advanced industrial infrastructure. In order to carry out internal tests, which will be conducted at the production plant in Płock and a nearby petrol station, the company received a temporary assignment of radio frequencies and approval from the Office of Electronic Communications.

– We are a modern, multi-energy company, which responds to global trends and constantly implements innovative technologies. We see the benefits of using a private industrial 5G network. It will allow us to make even better use of the potential of digitalization of our production processes, thanks to which the work of the plant in Płock will be more efficient, reliable and adapted to the changing environment – says Daniel Obajtek, CEO and President of the PKN ORLEN Management Board.


5G technology will make it possible to use the vast amount of data flowing from measuring devices, sensors and production machines in real-time. It also provides reliable information transmission for mission-critical process control and monitoring applications.


– In the future, 5G technology may find application in all segments of PKN ORLEN’s operations. Its tests are part of the ORLEN2030 strategy, which includes the Company’s digitalisation program. We hope that positive experiences from the tests in Płock will allow us to apply similar advanced solutions across the entire ORLEN Capital Group – says Patrycja Klarecka, Member of the PKN ORLEN Management Board responsible for IT.


The tests will last until February 2022 and will be conducted in a real industrial environment of the infrastructure of the Production Plant in Płock. The partners are renowned technology companies that will provide the advanced 5G network infrastructure and associated devices. The high network capacity of 5G technology will allow testing Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics and dispatch connectivity solutions. Different 5G network solutions, their functionality, performance, quality and IT security will be tested.

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